Lincoln Dunwoody
A piece of short fiction I wrote as an exercise for the class “Scenes from a Book” taught by Candace Denning at the Indiana Writer’s Center.
Flash Fiction: A Blue Moon MacGuffin
A practice piece so I have some experience writing 525 words before I have to produce one for the Iron Writer’s Challenge.
Iron Writer Challenge 102 – Carried Away by a Moonlight Shadow
The Iron Writer’s Challenge is a flash fiction writing competition where you construct a 500 word story using 4 assigned elements. Your story competes against 4 others and is judged by official judges and also voted on by the general public. Winners compete in a tournament and stories are gathered in a published anthology each year. It’s a fun challenge to get you to flex your writing fingers, learn how to make your writing as lean as possible, and work with some potential obstacles.
Iron Writer 2015 Spring Equinox Open – She Couldn’t Find How To Push Through
The second installment of “Carried Away by a Moonlight Shadow.”